• Middle Grade/Young Adult Epic Adventure

    A middle grade/young adult coming-of-age, epic fantasy adventure series set in medieval times with knights, magic, and mythical creatures galore.

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  • Young Adult Fantasy Romance

    Two series, Morningstar Academy and God of Secrets.

    Morningstar Academy has been called angels and demons on steroids! Friends to lovers romance. End-of-the-world prophecy. Dragons!

    God of Secrets is a Greek god fantasy romance retelling of Harpocrates, swoony Greek god of secrets

  • New Adult Fantasy Romance

    The Sand Maiden series features the retelling of Greek god Morpheus like you’ve never heard before.

    Bond mates, strong heroine, playful banter, fated mates, save the world consequences.


Fantasy Romance Author

L. R. W. Lee is a USA Today Bestselling author of epic fantasy romance. She has written 20 books so far with more coming.

She writes genre-bending stories in vivid worlds with sweet romance and stunning plot twists that do more than help you escape, they actually help you live better.

She runs on coffee. Her biggest pet peeve is dangling sentences. She loves puns and laughing. She could sit and watch kinetic art for hours. But her greatest enjoyment is reading. She hasn’t watched TV in years because she would rather let her mind imagine things than have the scene depicted for her.

Check out all the books her active imagination has dreamed up.

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